Thanks for that quote, hadn’t seen that one before very interesting! Yes I would agree. I doubt we have any AI currently that might be even remotely sentient yet. I suspect we don’t have yet the technological capacity in terms of neural density and processing power though this is outside of my area of expertise a bit. Since writing this article I more strongly suspect consciousness is somehow connected to quantum superposition and the randomness and information loss and generation that occurs during a measurement. I know at this point it is hard to see how that could possibly work large scale in the brain (outside of Penrose’s microtubule idea), but it provides an avenue for possibility of ‘will’ divine or human as well I find the concept of superposition very similar to Abdu’l-Baha’s discussion of the ability to conceive of multiple contradictory things at the same time as something that indicates the immortality and uniqueness of the human soul. As well there are writings which to me indicate that the human soul is somehow similar to aether when I consider Baha’u’llah discussion in the Tablet of Wisdom about a spirit like substance that underlies matter and Abdu’l-Baha’s linking aether as “sign of the primal will”.